Thursday, April 7, 2011


The current city dominated by towers or extensive suburbia has had a great impact on the appropriate presence of cultural and religious buildings. The mosque once the main protagonist of cities skylines  has become encroached by construction developments that diminish its character.

Solutions to make ever-bigger mosques or to find places desolated so it can stand by itself are not tackling the main crisis the mosque faces, the ever-increasing dynamism of the city.We propose not insist on enforcing tough regulations on the city but rather on inventing a new way of seeing the mosque as part of this new vertical city.

In fact the mosque played in many centuries the role of social condenser attracting several programs around it while giving by its openness of its courtyard a relaxing chamber in the usually hectic horizontal and dense city. We would like to keep this tradition which sees the mosque as in embedded part of the urban structure and not only as a detached monument. The city and the mosque should be in harmony.

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